On the 12th of May, Friday, Instituto Projeto Neymar Jr. received the students’ mothers, grandmothers and female guardians to celebrate Mother’s Day with special activities. During the first two weeks of the month, the children rehearsed musical numbers that were presented to the women in an emotional moment. Those responsible were also in the classroom with their children to receive personalized cards and, in the sports classes, the relaxation was due to several games.

Catiane, mother of an INJR student, expressed her happiness at having spent the day with her son: “It was a very nice and fun day, taking time to be with our children. I was very moved by the songs, songs that make us reflect on when they were little and sang at school. It’s a very rewarding day to be here.”
For Marília Melo, also a student’s mother, the day was remarkable. “It was very nice to see my children in joy, singing, sharing this very special moment. I was very moved and I loved it. Happy Mother’s Day to all of you!”, she said.

The INJR had the support of the make-up brand Fenzza, which promoted a special action for Mother’s Day at the social project’s barber shop. The celebration had a team of professionals who offered make-up and skincare (skin care) to the mothers, in addition to giving them vouchers for online purchases on the Fenzza website. Sandraelma da Silva, a student’s mother, declared: “It’s wonderful to be here, to have my daughter here and to be able to participate today. For me, it was the greatest gift a mother can have, be sure of that.”
Cleide Sales, responsible for Fenzza’s marketing, reinforced the importance, for the brand, of participating in social causes. “For us at Fenzza and for the whole team that came for this special Mother’s Day action, it’s been very important, because we are dedicated to it. We are in favor of several causes, and Mother’s Day is one of the most important dates of the year. They dedicate themselves so much to others, to their children, and on that day they are setting aside time to take care of their beauty. And it doesn’t have to be just today, it should be the whole year. I hope that date is extended throughout the year, and Fenzza will be present in their lives.”, she added.

In the Night Project, the mothers also participated in special activities. Teachers prepared dance, hydrogymnastics, functional and bodybuilding “lessons”. The Institute values family integration, highlighting the importance of a good relationship between mothers and children.